Core Values
Contributing to National Development
The institutions’ primary aim is to empower, educate and uplift women. The institution caters specially for the betterment of minority, reserved and back ward categories. (Both socially and economically).
The students are made aware of their duties of citizenship and nationalism through nation-building programmes and activities of NSS and NCC as well as during days of national importance at the college as well as inter-collegiate level. Students wholeheartedly participate in rallys and camps regarding social awareness, ADIs awareness, blood donation etc. Educating women and making them self-reliant by professional training is the main contribution towards national development.
Fostering Global Competencies Among Students
To bring the students at par with the world, the institution has introduced courses like BCCA which is fully based on computer skills; The subject of Fashion Designing makes extensive use of computers. Fashion Designing as a subject gives our students a wonderful opportunity to venture out on their won, being self-reiiant. The UGC sponsored COP on E-Commerce also prepares students to meet global challenges.
Inculcating Value System Among Students
The institution follows the ideals of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, which is reflected in the all-round atmosphere of morality, spirituality, and discipline along with education inculcates a-value system amongst students, motivating them to be good & complete individuals.
Promoting the Use of Technology
In the growing world of technological innovations, the institution tries to contribute by way of introducing computer oriented courses. The teaching learning methods have been changed form the stock-chalk-duster method to teaching through audio-visual aids. The techno-shy teaching & non-teaching staff has become techno-savvy.
Quest for Excellence
Sincerity, regularity and quality are the hallmarks of our institution. As against the culture of slackness and taken for grandness in Senior Colleges, classes are conducted with extreme regularity and punctuality. Both staff and student attendance is a matter of constant vigil. No discrimination is made between students from different categories religion or social cum economic status. Extreme encouragement and support is provided for the academic as well as overall betterment of the student. No compromise is made on the quality of staff or facilities as far as possible so at to ensure excellence.
The staff also enjoys all kinds of guidance and promotional support for enhancing their own knowledge and constantly indulging in research and innovative activities. Thereby there is a constant value-addition both to the individual as well as the institution.